Solution? Do not engage with planes since they have good AA. The problem is tanky mini destroyers which spam 76mm or even 100mm shells at you and in some cases launch rockets. SKRs and Frigates: These are more of an unbalanced annoyance than a glitch if you play coastal. Pressing the button once sends the waifu you worship to personally fix this terrible glitch by allowing you to target once again. The second option has target tracking (naval). Go to the control setting and scroll down to camera control for naval.

This makes it impossible to aim due to the inability for you to tell the game you want to fire at a specific target and causes your guns to randomly jump up and down in range. The targeting glitch: Naval has a glitch where your the fancy selector for targeting objects doesn't show even if you press X. In order to do well, you must learn how to fire on the move, how to hit your target 5km away, and to rely more on evading rather than tanking. It will feel slow and a little unfair after you complete your three battles and actually have to play against people. The bluewater fleet is more like ground battles but with a twist. These ships are fragile and the mode is a little bit like air battles. The coastal fleet is fast paced action early on and you get to derp around in speedy boats. To understand what you get from naval, you need to understand what the branches are like.

Now hovering modules will tell you their function. Simply go to the hanger and view the X-ray mode. In addition, an update has made it possible to understand how certain modules function including how you receive feedback on icons when damaging icons. It ranges from what to expect with naval to the glitches and trash you'll subject yourself to and how to deal with it.

Before we get started with the guide, I have to add a few things everyone should read before playing their next match.